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April 14, 2011


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We share quite a few--I'll have to add some ones I don't know to my list because I'm sure I'll like them if you do : )


yey thank you! nothing like finding a list where you like the ones you've read so you know u will like the others and have something to look forward to!!

Lisa Dickinson

so many of these on my list, too! makes me want to pull one out and re-read :)

Jennifer Gallacher

Then you would probably like "On the Corner of Bitter and Sweet" or something like that. Beautiful story!

Mary MacAskill

Yep, read it. It was a good read. :)


I have been needing some suggestions on new books...currently not enjoying the one I am reading (so much so I cannot even remember its name and I am more then halfway through lol). I am gonna jot a few of these down and hit the book store...Thanks :) xo


I have only read three on your list, so now I have some new ones to add to my "to read" list (you know, in all that spare time I have for reading! I miss reading!)

Mary MacAskill

I know EXACTLY what you mean. I used to read a lot more. It seems Im just reading about photography these days! hahahaha.

If you get to any of these ones, though, Id love to hear what you think of them!

Heather M.

Okay, I lied to you the other night. I've read 2 1/2 of these books. I'm totally adding the rest to my "must read" list though.


I just found you blog!! YAY!! Adding it to my reader. I love your book list! :D

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