1. Whenever I eat an apple, I ALWAYS think about the time my brother told me that if I ate ANY part of the core, I would get cancer and die. I was little, and I believed him. Even now, I nibble my way around the core like it might burn my lips. Thanks, Todd.
2. I sing in the car. Really, really loudly. I know I sound bad, but it makes me happy anyway.
3. I've organized all the shirts in my closet by color. (I'm laughing now because apparently this isn't as quirky as I originally thought since Heather and Rhonda both do the same!) I'm really tempted to make the hangers all the same too, but I'm trying to resist my obsessive-compulsive tendencies.
4. I'm paranoid that I might have a hand spasm as I'm preparing to push the stroller across a busy street and accidentally let it go. Not that I have ever had a hand spasm, but I still worry about it.
5. Speaking of busy streets, I like to yell, "SHAME ON YOU!" when cars cruise through the crosswalk while we are waiting to cross. Not that those wretched drivers care, but it makes me feel infinitely better. Mini-me has taken to yelling the same. I am not entirely sure this is good (to be yelling things at passing cars), but it is fairly humorous, and infinitely better than a swear, right?
6. I detest the sound of other people chewing their food. If I am chewing and cannot hear them chewing, the meal goes much, much smoother.
7. I cannot sleep if my feet are hot. And I cannot handle having things between my toes. Lotion, toe rings, those weird socks with the separate toes. No, thank you.
8. I sleep with a pillow over my head. But not covering my mouth. That would be weird.
9. My hands are ALWAYS dry. I put on lotion at least 16 times a day, but still, the hands are like sandpaper. And I really detest when sandpaper skin catches on fabric. Ugh.
10. I will not pretend that I am "grammar and punctuation wizard," but it really annoys me when people use "your" instead of "you're." You know, "Hope your having a great day!" ARGHHHH!
11. When I eat, I can't have my food mixing on the plate. Unless it's supposed to be mixed like a casserole or a stew, and then that is ok. I like to eat all of one thing and then move on to the next thing. It's genetic, I'm sure; my brother does this too.
12. I like to take pictures. On its own, this is not quirky, but I usually take at least three of the very same thing. Same settings, same angle, same everything. I think I'm always hoping the third shot will magically be more wonderful, but I could sure save myself a lot of work by practicing a little self-restraint.
Don`t laugh, but I recently cleaned out my clothes closet, and can happily say that all the matching wooden hangers I bought look DIVINE. And yes, they all point the same way. ;p
I'm totally with you on # 10- ARGH!!!!!!!!!
Posted by: melanie | January 20, 2011 at 11:27 AM
lol I do many of those things, too! With #4, my dad and aunt both have very shaky hands (they can't control it). I always worry that I will inherit that. So many of the hobbies I enjoy require still hands. #5, yep I do that! lol Drives me nuts when I waiting to cross the street with my 3 children and no one has the decency to stop. #6, I can't stand the sound of sucking on a washcloth. Totally grosses me out and makes me cringe! I also do #12 . . . a lot. :)
Posted by: Niki Estes | January 20, 2011 at 12:04 PM
Ah love it!!!! I totally am also 7, 9, 10 & 12. :) GREAT list!
Posted by: Rhonda | January 20, 2011 at 12:06 PM
Okay...I've got some similar quirks...some opposite.
1. I have always eaten every part of the apple since I was small...my Grandmother did it and I followed suit. I'm sorry your brother scared you like that!
4. the hand spasm. I often worry that someone will sneak up behind me and grab me to say hi and I'll let the stroller go. So I too am at the street with a death grip on the buggie! LOL
5.I usually yell something too but not so polite as you (not when my DD is with me so maybe I will start using that!
10. I will not win any award for correct Grammar either but I hate when people say These ones or those ones...it's these or those people...ones is redundant! (my aunt was a teacher and pounded that one into me!)
11. I used to do this up until about ten years ago and then I stopped. I quite enjoy mixing my foods now. Maybe as you age you will change this habit too.
I found it funny how many things on your list I could relate to. LOL
Posted by: scrapthat/dolly | January 20, 2011 at 12:14 PM
I have organized my clothes by color for as long as I can remember, and all my hangars match. I like the velvet covered slim ones the sell at Target or Walmart. They take up less space, no slippage, and no hanger-shoulder bumps either... now I sound obessive. Eek!
Posted by: Laura Evangeline | January 20, 2011 at 12:21 PM
#8. word.
Posted by: Wendy | January 20, 2011 at 04:28 PM
I like how this list shares your personality - it makes me like you even more!!
Posted by: Crystal | January 21, 2011 at 12:11 AM
i organize my closet my color too. i do it to joe's clothes too, and get mad if he puts shirts in the wrong color spot. lol! and i always take more than one photo of things. which is why i end up taking about 10 photos to actually get my ONE photo-a-day. lol!
Posted by: laura vegas | January 21, 2011 at 10:40 AM
I've had wood hangers for about 6 years now and I love them with all my heart. I encourage you to feed that OCD and buy them!
Posted by: elizabeth | January 21, 2011 at 12:30 PM
Fun things about you! :)
Posted by: Kathy Martin | January 21, 2011 at 01:30 PM