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December 03, 2010


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Am I first? :) I usually don't enter these things, but I need a calendar to organize myself, and heck, a scrappy calendar would be even cooler. My main goal for 2011 is organization... I'm still on that quest. ;p


oooh, i want to see what you did! my goal for 2011? to be more of a gowiththeflow type of mama.

Jen F.

okay, what the what? I didn't even know you had a blog, and I really didn't know you are a scrapbooker, and a published one at that! How did I not know this? Anyway, my 2011 goal is to do Project 365 again - it better be on your list too!

Karen H.

We are moving to Colorado in a couple weeks, so in 2011, we'll be getting settled in to a new state and learning all we can. Also, my scrapping supplies will be coming out of storage and I'll be very behind - I hope to scrapbook a whole lot!


I love that calendar adn would love to win one!! My plan for next year is to do some sort of monthly summary album. So, the calendar would be perfect! ;) Thanks for the chance to win!


My plans for next year include enjoying our 6th grandchild (no, it's not H!) who is due in April! Thanks for sharing a calendar - I love having lots of different ones.

Cherie Nymeyer

Other then the usual, I'm hoping to go for a visit to my SIL's in Alberta in the Spring.


congrats and what a great idea for a calendar!
My plans are to change my job position and decrease my stress!


That's awesome your page was featured. My plans for 2011 are to get more organized and decorate my house.

Melanie G

Congrats on the layout in the new calendar! Wish you and your family a very Merry Christmas :)

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