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September 11, 2010


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Natalie Burke

That is so adorable. She looks like a full fledged ballerina for sure! :) While independence is terrific to some extent (I know I look forward to when Spencer can wipe his own butt), I agree with you that it is kinda sad when they don't "need" us to do something for them. I showed Spencer this pic and his response was "Awww, it's Sadie". He had a great big smile on his face. He misses her...talks about her often. Talk soon! xoxoxo

Mary MacAskill

ITA over bum-wiping! Yay for that bit of independence!! :)

Melanie G

Awww she is so sweet :) But you know, I still need my momma once in awhile, so it will all come around.


Oh my gosh, I love it. Further proof that Sadie and Bridget are BFFs separated by the silly detail of geography... of COURSE we know the difference between ballet music and princess music. : )

Sara Rossi

She's beautiful! And I for one love the know cause it'll make them a better person as they grow....not cause I don't like the cling or anything...LOL!!

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