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September 27, 2010


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Lonely Scrapbooker

How I wish you had had your baby BEFORE I had had mine! Then I would have thought to do something like this. My little girl has the sweetest little feet EVER. I have quite a few photos of them, but no footprints. Is it too late at 13 months? My little boy has huge hoofers, they're quite funny, we have to get him "W" shoes already. But they help him to do things like scale the slide from the bottom all the way to the top!

Rhonda Steed

LOVE the little footprints. Love the whole thing! GREAT page as usual!

Heather M.

Oh my gosh, this is SO cute. I think I should just lift this one completely. I already have Silas' feet stamped from when he was teeny tiny. :)

Sara Rossi

I do love baby feet & this is no exception!! Beautiful LO!! Hard to believe he's almost 6 months!!

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