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« 365 Days Later (a layout) | Main | Happy 40th, Laura! »

June 07, 2010


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Rhonda Steed

oh mary i love love love what you wrote. it's so cute. Great page. :) some day i will mail the little something i made for him (hopefully before it is too small!)

Sarah M

Love this!

Rebecca Cooper

beautiful Mary!

Lonely Scrapbooker

Oh this is so incredibly sweet. Love those little heart flowers. I wish I could find those IRL. I suppose I could make them. Except I'm not crafty like that. LOL.
I for one don't mind that you're only blogging about scrapbooking! I'm just glad you're able to keep posting your beautiful pages.
By the way, I think it was you I got the "9 in 9 out" page idea from. Well I finally did it now that my babes are 9 months old. I searched your blog for where I saw you mention it, and couldn't find, as I wanted to credit you for the original idea.

Mary MacAskill

Im thinking some lines of green stitching (or green pen) and a few hearts punched out of red patterned paper and youre set to make those cute little heart flowers!

I cant believe your babies are 9 months old all ready! My how time flies. :)

Mary MacAskill

Hes growing like crazy -its hard to believe. 13 lbs, 2 oz. all ready! Milk: it does a body good. :)

laura vegas

this is simple and gorgeous mary! that wonderful photo doesn't need anything else to draw attention away from it! i still have his baby announcement on my fridge. i'm sure the time has flown by for you ... but i saw it yesterday, and thought "he's ONLY 2 months?". i guess in my mind, he was already older. lol!


Derrick wins! This is gorgeous! I love it. : )

Lauralee MacAskill

Ahhhh this is beautiful Mary! I so so so can't wait to meet the new little man in my life :)...and of course get to see Miss Sadie again....3 years in a long time...only 2 more months xo :)

Heather M.

This is amazing, Mary! I love those red hearts. He is so precious.

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