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September 16, 2009


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I for one am happy you updated! :)
I know how blogging just gets away from you and takes a back seat.Sounds like you've kept busy and been very productive the past month, good for you!
Btw, I hated Revolutionary Road too- I was so disappointed, since I'd heard only rave reviews. And I'm a big Kate/Leo fan, but this was a totally depressing and disjointed film.


Happy happy happy!!! :) But... pickles and applesauce? I thought it was supposed to be pickles and ice cream?? ;)


Sara Rossi

Yeah you're back! I've been wondering what happened to you! Looks like you've been busy! So great about Sadie potty training--that's worth a post itself!! Missed you!

Paige Evans

I watched the movie Speak yesterday. Have you seen it? I'm considering reading the book now too. The movie has Kristen Stewart - aka Bella Swan from Twilight. You might like it. I've been thinking about it a lot since I watched it.

Glad you're doing well and keeping busy!


WOW - what a LOT of things. Sounds FANTASTIC. And thanks for the tip about the corn maze... I've always wondered whether they'd be any fun :) To be honest, mazes freak me out a bit...
So glad you are well and happy.

Heather M.

yay! so happy to see an update from you! :)

Charlene Austin

WOW you have been SO productive!! You have been missed but I can just imagine how organzied and good your life must feel right about now. You go girl! Are you sharing your Rock Star look??

p.s...I did Pickles and Salsa last week but I sure ain't no Martha. Hopefully I don't poison anyone.

laura vegas

glad to have you back my friend! you've been missed ;)
it would take me forever to clean my windows ... we've been here 8 years and have done them once. the blinds are my worst enemy ... hate them and the 2 inches of dust on them right now. lol!


My only question is, why wasn't potty training Sadie FIRST on the list of accomplishments?

Lovely Cee.

hahahahah!!!! i love this, Mary and i can invision Derrick liking the life sized bunny. the cutler's are his #1 fans!

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