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August 11, 2009


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Lovely Cee.

more and more i want that cricut

Rhonda Steed

i love the hold feature!!! I realized down here though when you order them they come in a LOT faster than in Calgary... so I now have every hold that I ordered (which was 13) to read..... whoops. hahahaha (And I've been reading lots of your goodread books, so keep posting them! :) )

Love the card. I love all the stuff you with your cool tools like the Cricut. Makes me want one too!


Oh, Mary! If I didn't know you didn't know about the hold feature I would have told you long ago. It is wonderful : ) My library sends me an email instead of calling, though.

As always, you make the most beautiful things!

laura vegas

library? books? reading? what is this you speak of?!?! lol! i can't remember the last time i've read a book. sad, isn't it?

i love this card .. you know that! the white diecut sentiment against the white card is so cool!

Robyn W.

cutest card ever - love it!


OMG!!! I live for the "hold" feature at the library! Lots of times i will surf Amazon simultaneously, so that you can search for new releases and get on the hold lists before they get into the hundreds....helpful if you are dying for the latest release in a series....sigh, I am a book nerd...

Sara Rossi

I think your card is FABULOUS!! I'm looking for some good books to read--whatcha reading??


I love perusing the list of books on your goodreads list! How do you find all of your selections? They are very diverse, so I am assuming you have multiple sources to find new reading material?


Jen Gallacher

I will just go off for a second and say I'm terribly sad that you're not on the AC DT this year. :( Ok enough sadness. You amaze me and inspire me and keep it coming!!

Lisa DIckinson

ah yes, the hold feature has been a godsend for this bookworm, too! love it!

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