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May 06, 2009


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laura vegas

how fitting. i'm doing that exact same thing right now. lol! had some technical difficulties with a tool for my assignment ... so i'm making do with what i can.


Mary that is my fav quote in the entire world!

I went to Catholic girls high school in the late 70's and believe or not I loved it! The nuns actually taught us to be self-reliant and strong and we girls ran the school government and everything else because there were no boys! This was one of the sisters mantra and she said it to us every single day! She would add the word "NOW" at the end in a big voice!

30 years later I still say it to myself all the time!!

Lynn Ghahary

Ahhhh ... I needed to read this today. Thanks girl!


I like it. Need to put it up in my room!

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