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April 08, 2009


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Lovely Cee.

what is the meaning of this? i just got down reading some one's entry today and i just cried and cried... now that i am here in your blog, i see this? i wonder if i need some subtle encouragement that i didn't think i need... although, i know subconsiously, i am have been fretting and warying about some issues. surely that must be it. God is speaking to me in some strange way. thank you for posting this even if that wasn't your origianal intention:) you have always been a blessing to me, MJ.


Rhonda Steed

cool quote!!!

Lydia Jackson

I have always loved that quote, Lewis Carol was a genius, even if he was a stoner.



I wanted to pop in and thank you for the note you left at my blog. I'm looking forward to being a Hosti and was blown away when they asked me. Good times!!!


Hi Mary. This comment is not about this particular post but just to say: WOW! I love your pages and I am so glad I found your blog.

I came here looking for ideas to use with the Sweet Baby KOTM and BH had linked to your blog.

What a pleasant surprise when I clicked on "Scrapbook Layouts". I love your multi-photo collages and the bright colours. These are just the types of pages I like.

I'm so inspired!

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