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November 04, 2008


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What a sweet little book with memories of that special time! You are so clever with all these little projects - no wonder you get published all the time. I'm so glad to know someone so talented!!

Heather M.

mary, this is brilliant! i absolutely love it!
and i agree with mom - no wonder you get pubbed all the time - you're so inspiring!

laura vegas

another great idea for a little album! i think that is so great to have everyone write her little letters ... that will be so neat to have years down the road. and once again ... love the simple format. i think that's key in making mini albums ... to keep it simple and stick with one good collection. keeps the flow going!

Sara Rossi

I remember seeing this in the magazine & LOVED it then (still do btw!)! GREAT idea!!

lovely cee

ahhhhhh..... so cute!!!
i remember seeing this in the book:)

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